Packaging with original and fun cardboards
This post was expected, so packaging is already back! In this case we talk about materials, cardboards with some examples of how we can print creativity with colours, shapes and more colours 😉
In this section we cover a selection of packaging design inspiration and resources with links to professionals who work in the industry. You will find the latest and best packaging articles, news and tips about colors, materials, typography and more. Reviewed and curated by Verónica Valenzuela
This post was expected, so packaging is already back! In this case we talk about materials, cardboards with some examples of how we can print creativity with colours, shapes and more colours 😉
We love packaging! And since there are many types, today we share with you a selection of original, creative and very functional packaging. These will make our product different!
We have returned to work, so let’s make this time more bearable with some original designs and creative packaging for coffee. I do not know which one I prefer; do you?
Although I love coffee, I never say no to a refreshing tea, especially in summer and if it comes with a packaging design in which the creativity and originality of the designer is appreciated! I cannot say which one I prefer, can you?
As man does not live by bread alone… Today we bring you examples of wine packaging and labeling with creativity and originality. Examples with good designs that make you distinguish from the competition. Which one do you choose?