
Custom Post Types in WordPress: Use and plugins

The Custom Post Types are one of the most important options of WordPress when it comes to extending the functionalities of the Core. With this tutorial we review the most common uses of the types of personalized posts and how to create them via plugin or custom code.


Jetpack for WordPress: Appearance and Images

Jetpack is one of the most powerful plugins available for WordPress. However, it is very easy to get lost and not know what to choose between all the modules that offers us. We will explain you why it should not be missing in your list of add-ons of your website, and some of its most interesting modules.


How to Create a Contact form in WordPress

Contact Form 7 is the most used plugin in WordPress to create contact forms thanks to its flexibility. That’s why we have created this tutorial with which you can create your first form knowing all the options offered.


My 9 favourite Atom extensions

Atom is an open source editor developed by GitHub itself. One of its most notable features is its high customization. In this article you will find our selection of 9 extensions essential for working and improving our workflow.


How to import the Demo Content in WordPress

Today we will talk about the import in WordPress: A basic tutorial on how to import test content and let our blog or web with the same design as the demonstration WordPress template site that we are going to install.


How to install plugins in WordPress

Installing plugins in WordPress is a process that has been greatly simplified in recent versions. Let’s see the summary of the step by step tutorial and the alternatives we have, such as installing premium plugins through a .zip file or FTP methods.


Top Best Themes for WooCommerce

Not all WordPress templates serve to WooCommerce, and not all the templates that are compatible with this great plugin are optimized to take our ecommerce to the next level. Here is our selection of favorite WooCommerce themes!


How to modify or add CSS to your WordPress Theme

It is a recurring question, especially in the WordPress forums. Suppose you want to modify a particular element of your design: the size of H1, the range of colours or just the tone of the social buttons … These modifications require in most cases a bit of CSS. But do not panic, there are several methods to do so safely and without hardly touching code.