SiloMag #34

From the office of Silo Creativo we see that it does not stop raining outside. But that does not discourage us for sure offering the best news, resources and tools on graphic design, web design and WordPress that we have been collecting for you.

And in this SiloMag, on graphic design, a generator of design projects, poster plagiarism of a well-known film, and design in North Korea. In web design, an article on CSS, a tool that will help you in your web designs, and the importance of typography for readability. And about WordPress, responsive images, the WordPress Customizer, and the importance of practice to become a better professional.

As always, we hope you like it, and you can leave us any suggestions in the comments!

Graphic Design

Sharpen.Design Generator

design composition text

Do you need to improve your design skills? Have you been stuck lately in the routine, or in a very long project it seems that it never ends? Do you need an injection of something new and random for a few hours? Sharpen Design will generate design challenges in a random way so you do not lose shape.

A French graphic designer faces an uphill battle to prove Disney copied his work

solo poster

When Disney released four teaser posters last month for Solo: A Star Wars Story, the stylized, retro portraits may have helped stoke excitement for the next Star Wars installation—but they didn’t thrill one graphic designer in France.

Made in North Korea: The graphic design of a pariah state

north korea poster

A London exhibition offers a rare glimpse into the graphic style of everyday North Korean objects. A curious way to approach design in the Asian country.

Web Design

Lesser known CSS quirks & advanced tips

css mug

In this interesting article you’ll find some of the weirdest CSS features, along with tips and tricks for advanced CSS users.

CSSPeeper – Smart CSS viewer tailored for Designers

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Did you know CSS Pepper? CSS Pepper is a plugin that is installed in Google Chrome as an extension and helps us to know all the visual secrets of a certain web page. In this way, just by pressing a button, you will be able to know all kinds of specific characteristics.

Typography for Everyone Makes Texts Much Easier to Read

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If you, as a page owner, think you didn’t have to care about typography, you’re wrong. The legibility of your texts also depends on the typography. In the following article, we will see how to improve it for the good of all your visitors and users.


Responsive Images In WordPress

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Responsive images make websites look better by displaying sharper images on large and small screens. And they make websites load faster by sending the ideal image size to every device type. That’s good for viewers, clients and Search Engine Optimization, as Google uses page load speed as a ranking factor.

Conceptual Ideas on How the Customizer Could Integrate With Gutenberg

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While the initial focus of Gutenberg is the editor, the second focus is the Customization experience in WordPress. Mel Choyce, Product Designer at Automattic, recently spoke at LoopConf, on the past, present, and future of the customizer. Choyce begins the presentation by describing when and how the customizer was added to WordPress.

How Deliberate Practice Can Help You Become a WordPress Expert

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Ours is an industry that never sits still. Whether it’s a new tool, a major update to WordPress that could change the way you work (Project Gutenberg, anyone?) or a shift in your own professional direction, being able to pick up new skills will help you keep ahead of the industry and do your job more effectively.

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