The second SiloMag of the year is loaded with news, resources and tutorials that we hope will be useful and help you in your projects. As always, we encourage you to tell us what you think, just like we like you to share your discoveries with us.
And this week in SiloMag, about graphic design, some minimalistic mockups, a funny email generator, and a curious story aboy a typo. On web design, a CSS alignment cheatsheet, aa fancy football tables, and a website with a intersting transition effect. And finally, for WordPress, a text about Gutenberg, how to create tables with wptables, andsome predictions abount WordPress in 2018.
As always, we hope you like it, and you can leave us any suggestions in the comments!
Graphic Design
Stylized Minimalistic Devices Mockup
Super clean, minimalistic, stylized mockup collection with awesome customization features and huge resolution.
Email Generator for your Clients
Tired of responding to emails? We’ve got your back – just give us a few details
and let the generator do its thing!
Hesse Antiqua – Typeface release at 100 years
Gudrun Zapf von Hesse, born January 2 in 1918, is a woman of many talents: She would emphasize that she is a trained bookbinder first, but she was also active as a lettering artist, she has produced work in the graphic arts – and she is a typeface designer. As she turns 100 on this day, her first alphabet design is finally released after 70 years. Ferdinand Ulrich tells the story of its origin and recent digitization.
Web Design
CSS Alignment Cheatsheet
Aligning things in CSS has been a common source of frustration, fun and even memes for a long time. However CSS evolves quickly and new specifications are written and implemented in browsers all the time.
As a result, aligning things in CSS today isn’t quite what it used to be. We now have to take more modern ways to do CSS layout into account, like Flexbox and Grid among other things.
VizTable: Fancy tables!
Do not miss these curious tables with soccer league rankings. But what makes them special is that they are based on the real distance between each of the teams according to their score. Another interesting way to see how your team is positioned in the ranking!
Awesome transitions in this website!
Sometimes we have brought to SiloMag some effects of transitions on websites that have seemed curious or have surprised us. And this time it is not for less. But first, a recommendation: do not scroll too fast, because you can get dizzy!
Is Gutenberg the End or a New Beginning for WordPress?
I’ve been loosely following the noise and #wpdrama surrounding Gutenberg for as long as it has been around and honestly for the most part I’ve had negative feelings around it (I don’t like change at the best of times). However, I recently dived in and tried it out and you will never guess what happened next!
Create Stunning Responsive Tables In WordPress With wpDataTables
Creating tables in WordPress is easy. There are traditional ways to add tables to WordPress with code, but by far the most convenient way to build a table (or chart) is with the wpDataTables WordPress plugin. It makes it extremely easy to import your table from various external sources, style it to your liking and add it to your website.
WordPress 2018 Predictions: My Thoughts On The Upcoming Year
From WP Lift we make some predictions about what will happen in WordPress in this newly released 2018. Among them, Gutenberg, updates on security issues, or the advance of the Customizer.