
How to install a theme in WordPress? Step by Step Tutorial

Surely we all ever had any doubts when installing a WordPress theme: what file I need to install? Do I need to unzip the template? So that you do not forget any step, we have prepared this simple step by step tutorial with screenshots, so you follow the yellow brick road as in the movie The Wizard of Oz. I hope it might help!


Social Icons in WordPress: the menu as the best choice

Any news regarding the compatibility of WordPress templates with an impact on the UX is always welcome, so the proposal to use a custom menu as social menu meets handful of good practice to carry out: for the users, for the developers and designers.


How to modify or add CSS to your WordPress Theme

It is a recurring question, especially in the WordPress forums. Suppose you want to modify a particular element of your design: the size of H1, the range of colours or just the tone of the social buttons … These modifications require in most cases a bit of CSS. But do not panic, there are several methods to do so safely and without hardly touching code.


How to display category and tag descriptions in WordPress

Recently we talked about the importance of category pages of our blogs and websites, and how we should start optimizing them to turn into good satellites that besides organize the internal diagram of a web (a good user experience and navigation of our site), could capture some extra visitors and increase the positioning and SEO of that category or tag page (taxonomies for the purists).


How to extract images from a Word document? Designer’s Dilemma

I’m sure most of you know of what I speak. You’re waiting for the pictures of your client to incorporate them into your design. You have everything ready, the reserved space, and the precise dimensions. You do not care if the work is a web or a graphic design or even an editorial job. You need that logo, those images. There comes an email. It’s your client.


Top Best WordPress Themes of 2014

This year will be very interesting in terms of new trends in web designand elements that are being incorporated into the WordPress themes: we talk about responsive design, mobile first, parallax, flat design… Who though WordPress was just a blog manager, is very wrong. With this listing we will gather the best WordPress themes that you can download and will make your website an interesting design.


How to Optimize WordPress categories to improve your SEO

One of the least optimized options for a WordPress website or blog are often Categories and Tags. The Taxonomies (the way all categories and tags are called, either for default or custom post) are used to organize the content of our website in an efficient manner, making it more navigable for the users.


Web design with HTML5: Structure and Composition

One advantage that HTML5 has brought to the field of web design is that it includes a HTML tags structure much more semantic, i.e., a markup with a meaning for what will truly serve said identifier. In other words, HTML5 has made to the web designer the job much easier than with previous versions, especially when we have to modify a web design of a colleague.


How to create custom menus in WordPress

Recently a new version of WordPress has been updated. Although there are no significant changes to the end user, it is true that some functions or features, as the dashboard, have been changed. Let’s see step by step how to create and manage menus on a website with WordPress if your template or theme installed supported it.


WordPress or blogger: Which one is the best option?

When someone sets out to write a blog, and especially if it is the first time, it makes sense to opt for a free blogging system. The two more common are: Blogger and WordPress, and although they may look very similar, there are small details that can make you lean toward one or the other. I am going to tell you the advantages of WordPresss against Blogger, and backwards!