
Trends in Web Design in 2017

This is going to be an exciting year as far as trends in web design are concerned. We will see how the form and tools of the designer and web designer work with the latest CSS specifications and where to find inspiration for new projects.


How to make a web: What is CSS? [Part 2]

We continue with the second part of the tutorial on how a web works. In this case it is the turn to the CSS, language much beloved in SiloCreativo. We will talk about versions, selectors and utility links.


How to make a web: What is HTML? [Part 1]

HTML is the base language for web design. In this first part of the basic tutorial on how a web works we will see what the attributes, the opening and closing tags are, and how to conjugate HTML with CSS.


Media Queries in CSS. How do They Work?

In responsive web design we need some CSS rules that allow us to apply styles according to the size of the screen of our resolution, being able to adapt the design to all devices: mobiles, tablets, desktop …


Top Best WordPress Themes 2018

We analyze the design and functionality of the best WordPress templates organized into different sections: themes for blog, corporate, portfolio or eCommerce.


Highlighting a page in the WordPress Menu

Designing a specific page of our menu in WordPress can be very useful for directing users to a part of the web where important information is located. With this tutorial and some CSS we will get to customize the menu design.