SiloMag #27

A new issue of SiloMag is here, the section of SiloCreativo where, every two weeks, we share the latest news, resources and articles that have seemed most interesting to us in recent days.

CSS to improve UX forms

CSS to the rescue: Improving UX in forms

Forms are one of the most forgotten element in web design. But this doesn’t make much sense because forms are where the user interact with our apps or website. Let’s revise how we can improve the UX with new CSS pseudo-classes.

SiloMag #26

SiloMag is again here, with the most interesting news and resources we have found during the last two weeks on the world of graphic design, web design and WordPress, and that inspire us in our day to day life.

SiloMag #25

SiloMag #25

Here is a new SiloMag, the section that we bring you from Silo Creativo every two weeks, and where we share the latest news, resources and articles that we have found most interesting about graphic design, web design and WordPress.


Top WordPress templates for estate agencies

WordPress is used by a lot of companies, both small and large, who are engaged in the sale and purchase of homes, such as real estates. In this article we want to show you some of the best templates that will help you easily create a website for estate agencies.


Jetpack for WordPress: Appearance and Images

Jetpack is one of the most powerful plugins available for WordPress. However, it is very easy to get lost and not know what to choose between all the modules that offers us. We will explain you why it should not be missing in your list of add-ons of your website, and some of its most interesting modules.


Integrating Google Analytics in WordPress

If you have never used Google Analytics, we give you some information about this service and we show you two ways to insert it into your WordPress website. Control all statistics to use them in your favour and make your website much more successful.


How to Reduce Your Web Bounce Rate

If you are not familiar with the bounce rate yet, this is your post, as we will explain exactly what it is and how you can reduce it effectively so that your web is much more attractive for your users, visitors and / or buyers.