SiloMag #31

We started the month of February with a new SiloMag full of news, resources and tutorials that we hope will be useful and help you in your projects. As always, we invite you to tell us what you think, just like we would like you to share your discoveries with us.

And this week in SiloMag, about graphic design, 7 famous icons what we can learn from them, an app which generates color schemes, and timeline animations for Sketch. On web design, the reasons for the alarm error in Hawaii, a guide on the choice of sources and a web about color palettes and Product Hunt. And finally, for WordPress, a podcast about WooCommerce, tips to renew your WordPress in the new year, and a tutorial to create an intranet in WordPress.

As always, we hope you like it, and you can leave us any suggestions in the comments!

Graphic Design

Practically Redesigned: British Train Ticket

London train ticket

The United Kindom, or Great Britain in this case, is well known for the oldest railway system in the world. Although facing numerous C R I S E S nowadays, it is still iconic and influential just like other great inventions from this country. Erinaceidae redesign the oldest train ticket with a pint of cider, which is, in terms of miserableness, British to the very last.

Laws of UX

Law of proximity

Good design tends to follow general principles that give designers overarching guidelines to work within. And 10 of these principles are those that Jon Yablonski, front-en designer, has used in a web, in which through some careful graphics and a simple language, he explains each of them.

The Type Snob

Type Snob Illustration

Pablo Stanley tells us the curious story of how he went from being a graphic designer to a UX designer. And along the way, as his interest in typographies grew, and the lessons he has gained in these years in the profession on this subject.

Web Design

The Hawaii false alert wasn’t user error—it was a failure of design

UX problem in Hawaii emergency service

A few days ago, a ballistic missile alert went out to residents of the U.S. state of Hawaii, causing them to receive an alarming text to their phones. Following the alert state officials blamed the situation on a user error. Hawaii Governor David Ige had this to say:”It was a mistake made during a standard procedure at the change over of a shift, and an employee pushed the wrong button.” A photo of the screen in question has emerged, which makes it pretty clear how this mistake happened.

Choosing Web Fonts: A Beginner’s Guide

Google fonts typos

If you get it right, typography can be incredibly powerful. Turn to the writings of Robert Bringhurst, whose Elements of Typographic Style has served as a sagely reference text for decades, and you’ll find a high-minded articulation of the craft. Typography “exists to honor content,” according to Bringhurst, and when it’s done well it “reveals every element, every relationship between elements, and every logical nuance of the text.”

Colorwise: colours of the most voted products on Product Hunt

Colour Palette in Colorwise

The main idea of André Moniz to create Colorwise, was to have a color map of the products of the web Product Hunt, depending on their category. Thus, anyone who is starting a project could know at a glance which are the most used colors in a specific market niche.


How to create products in WooCommerce [SPA]

Create products woocommerce

Fernan offers another of his essential podcasts. On this occasion, he talks about how to create products in WooCommerce. So if you are setting up an online store, you should not miss it.

12 Ways to Freshen Up Your WordPress Site for the New Year

Refresh WordPress

Do you find it hard to keep up with your WordPress site when you have a business to run and projects to keep moving through the pipeline? If so, you should think about using the slow period at the start of Q1 as your chance to get ahead of the curve. In other words, as businesses (i.e. your clients) freeze their budgets while assessing the coming year’s needs, this is a good time to work on your own site.

How to Create a WordPress Intranet for Collaboration

Workgroup WordPress

If you have multiple contributors on your team, you need a way to share internal resources, documents, feedback, and more. You may be able to make do using ad-hoc tools and email for a time, but having everything stored in a single location can save you countless hours. That’s where a WordPress intranet comes in.

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