Google Serif Font Combinations ready to copy and use

The other day when I was written about fonts in web design, I realized that we had not talked about our beloved Google Font since a long time ago, and of course, combinations between them!

You know, even though I like to occasionally share payment fonts that can come to us very well for a specific job, such as a logo, in most cases we write about free fonts, especially Google Fonts.

Why choose Google Font?

Working with Google Font is a requirement “sine qua nun.” In fact, here we have shown several free fonts that are not Google Font, such as air retro, with a write by hand style, to make powerful messages…. There are plenty of them, but Google Font seems to be a very large stock (very well organized) that includes many types of fonts.

It is a good source for your web and graphic works because…

In web design: they are some fonts that are highly tested, known for work well and compatible with different browsers and devices. Also they typically include special characters of other languages like Arabic or Cyrillic, and they are also very easy to add and use.

In graphic design: As we always say, it depends on the type of work, but overall it is a very large (670 fonts) library, where you will surely find what you are looking for. Perhaps to create titles, logos and posters, it can be short, but serif and sans serif fonts are hard to beat.

3 combinations with serif families to copy and use

Normally we use sans serif fonts for paragraph text at Silo creativo . In our themes for WordPress you can see typefaces as Roboto, Open sans, Source sans, our beloved Raleway or Lato.

The reason is that as we said in the infographic on 10 tips for combining typefaces, when we have a text to be read on a digital device, it is more comfortable to read sans serif typefaces. However, this does not mean we cannot use serif, on the contrary. The serif typeface is linked to newspapers and magazines, so the use of sans serif fonts in blogs or magazines is slowly spreading around the world as a fashion.

An example of this is our new magazine theme for WordPress, Christopher, where, as you can see, the font chosen for all text is a serif on different types of one family.

So let’s see some serif combinations!

Crimson text font

With 6 types within the family, we can achieve great typographic combinations without using another font. It can be normal, semibold and bold, with their corresponding italics. We can use bold as a title, the normal italic as a subtitle or intro, and the normal for paragraph text. His style is reminiscent of old newspapers print, but with modern finishes. The only problem is that it is a heavy font for use in webs.



Libre Baskerville font

This is a font with similarities to the previous one, but with bigger characters and less spacing between them. It has three types: normal, italic, bold… so they are enough for use as paragraph, intro and titles. It is not too heavy, so it is a good font to use in webs.



Noto serif font

It is the font chosen for our theme for WordPress: Christopher. It has four types: normal and bold with their italics; the weight of them is quite acceptable for the use in webs. The bold type is very strong and is ideal for use in titles, while their spacing and thickness is perfect for reading.

The Noto font also has a sans serif family.



2 font combinations to contrast

If you want to make a font combination in which text and paragraphs contrast and the paragraph text is original, these are your combinations. We wanted to contrast serif- sans serif fonts in title and paragraphs to increase the contrast even more. These fonts are perhaps not used too often for paragraph text, but they are very suitable for web or graphic works. Let’s see them!

Abril + Source Code pro

April is a perfect Serif font for title as it has only one type, Extra Bold. Only with it we can do typographic prints, even logos. It is very strong, so its combination with Source Code Pro is perfect. It contrasts with the strength of April, being a clean typography. By having 7 types, we can choose the thickness that suits for reading (depending on the medium chosen).

Both are lightweight so they work great for web works.



Montserrat + Cutive mono

As in the previous case, in this one, we got the contrast using for the title the known sans serif Monserrat and for paragraph texts “cutive mono.”

Montserrat, with only two types, is perfect for titles, printing the strength they need. It is very light, so the use in webs is adequate. Cutive mono has only one type, so it is perfect for use in paragraph, being also very light. Cutive mono has another version called “cutive.”



I hope you found it useful. These fonts are very easy to combine and as you can see, with just one family we can get amazing results!

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