We have talked about simplicity on numerous occasions, but especially in the trends of this New Year. It is the importance of making simple, minimalist and direct designs that manage to reach our audience and that of course fulfil the function for which they were designed.
Sometimes there are so many distractions that the most difficult thing is to get that simplicity. We want to include so many details and styles that sometimes it becomes complicated to know what is important and start with it.
Since we have been talking about logos for a while, today we are going to see how we can introduce that simplicity in web design. How to focus our focus so that each of the elements we design do not stray from that simplicity and we get what we want.
1. Choose your colour palette
This has been seen extensively in countless articles. It is VERY important to choose a palette of colours, a combination of these that make your design unique and special and make it a common thread.
If we over decorate it of colour without being necessary, we lose all the simplicity that a good design has to have. However, if we choose a suitable palette to what we want to convey, our design will be unique and will not require much more to be understood.
2. Decide the number of pages of your web
Normally, once we have the general design of our website, making new pages for this is not something complicated. We just have to have the content we want and give it a similar design. But before creating that new page, we should ask ourselves if its creation is necessary.
We can create a menu with submenus, and submenus within those submenus, so that we have access to many more pages than we can think of, but we must be clear that if we lose the essence, the user therefore will get lost in that navigation.
It is necessary to be clear which content we want to show and decide which are the essential pages for it.
Surely we have a lot to tell, but before starting we must be clear if this is going to interest our audience. The more concise our content is, the better. Our reader will not tire and get to the point in reading.
This way, do not complicate the navigation bar. The clearer and simpler it is, the better it will be for our audience and the less users will be lost in navigation.
3. Call-to-Action Importance
This topic is not new to us. Just because the page has simplicity does not mean we forget the importance of the buttons and the call to action. In fact, the opposite has to happen. A simple design will reveal these elementsthat are important.
We cannot make them get lost in content. If you have some doubts about button design or “Call to action”, you can readthese articles.
4. Use the best font
As with colour, we have to use fontsto make our design simpler. This does not mean that we have to use a sober font, but we must be clear which font to choose for each of the elements.
Remember that it is better if you can use the combination of two or at most three fonts, and you must be clear which fonts you will use in titles and headers as well as for paragraph text.
The good use of them and the combination of both will be largely responsible for bringing simplicity to the web. The font always has to be an element that helps and harmonizes with the design, never the one that makes it difficult.
Watch also the sizes of it (in this article on readability you can get an idea,) and establish hierarchies. Let font sizes speak for themselves.
5. The elements of the web should be a help
We cannot only live with fonts and colours (although we would like to.) Normally for the understanding of a web we need images and icons that help us and complement. And these, as it could not be otherwise, have a fundamental part in determining the simplicity of it.
Thus, it is important to be very clear about the use of them and not to use them beyond their means.
Maybe we have found a really good stock of icons, but if in the part of “legal notice” we do not need to put them, better not to use them there (surely there are other pages where they are necessary.)
If we use too much images or icons, we are over decorating the web and giving it a bad look. These elements have to complement it, but never having more importance than the strictly necessary.
It is also convenient to say that they can appear in important places. Sometimes they will be the main element so we cannot remove it with colours or fonts that make it worse.
Although it may seem difficult, the key is to give each element its task and to take the lead role. Do not bother with the blanks, because sometimes these are the thread, and be very clear about what you mean and how you can do it.
Achieving simplicity will not be difficult if we are clear about these concepts. We need to rank them, and understand the place of each of them.
As we said in the case of logos, simplicity does not mean that the design is lacking in content, but quite the opposite. A good design does not need ornament to fulfil its function.