We return to the stock images, but we know that you love them, and the more the list grows, the more options we have! So this time, we will add another 5 free download stock images of high resolution perfect for your web or blog.
And with these new 5 stock images you have now 20 to choose. Do you remember the previous 15? Well, here they are:
– 10 Free Stock Images of High Resolution
– Another 5 free Stock Images of Hight Resolution
They all have something in common with the new one; all are free and have good resolution. Almost all licenses are shared freely, but as we always recommend, look if there are any restrictions or you must mention the author of the image.
Another thing to consider is the resolution of the images. In some stock images, there is the possibility to download images at different sizes. If you are going to retouch an image, you can download the highest resolution and then reducing it in size if we are using a photo editing program. But if you are to use the image without retouching, you should take into account the purpose you have, and download the size that best fits.
Although the image has more resolution it does not mean that the quality is better. Conversely, if the image is oversized perhaps the program that you are using compresses it and makes the image lose its quality in the compression, plus we will be putting a lot of load on our file unnecessarily. We must take into account the size we need for our project and fit it to the dimension we have.
I think we know almost everything about stock image… so let’s see the 5 new stock images!
The images we find in this stock image are of high quality and great aesthetic beauty. If you need images of concrete objects, I am sure that you will find them here. The variety is great and we can see from food to pictures of landscapes or even some people.
I am sure that here you will find what you need for your project!
Life of pix
Are you looking for a stock image of high quality images in which all areas are included? Then, this is your stock image! In it you will find a host of high-resolution images of various subjects. It is perfect for a demo, perhaps for a WordPress template 😉
If you are looking for images of people, this is your stock image! All the people that work with images know that it is quite hard to find pictures of people and in most cases they are not free, so this free stock image can be very useful.
Besides, I would like to highlight its search engine. It is really good, and it searches not only by subject, but by color, size and even guidance. In this stock image we can see images but also illustrations, backgrounds or patterns…
It is a complete stock image in which although it may seem that some images have lower quality, it is important to click on them to see the information they have.
We can arrange them on the most watched or most downloaded images to get an idea of what has be seen in the last days. The variety is great.
Lock and stock photos
I like the design of the web in which the author uploads different own photographs to download for free. They are mostly images of a particular object or landscape.
The images have a great coloring by making them ideal, for example, to superimpose on them fonts in white!
I hope you have enjoyed. You cannot say now that you do not have images on which to choose. Although if you have a camera … my advice is that you may be doing your own stock image! 😉