We have shared stock images too many times, because we understand that it is very important to have a selection of high-quality images that can serve us in our work both web and graphic.
The best, as we always say is to have pictures of our own, but we understand that this is not always easy. We have to find the perfect framing, with the right light and sometimes retouch the image to have the range of colours that we look for … So it is easier to search through stocks of high quality images, but being very carefully (especially in free stock images) if you do not want to see your picture repeated on all the Internet blogs! 😉
Also, now that we have seen how a good image can help us get the range of colours we need, we are going to expand the list of stock images. Especially considering that they are renewing (some even daily) and it is very well to keep them updated to be the first to download the photo you need.
So, as always, let’s start with a list of stock images already seen and 4 new that we add:
– 5 another Stock Images where Download Free Images to your Web
– Others 5 free stock images of Great Resolution
– 10 free stock images of High Resolution
– 4 free Stock images and some ideas about Licensing
It is not just a stock image, but it can find other free resources such as fonts and mockup that sure can be useful on other occasions. However, today we are going to focus only on images.
On this site, the images are sorted by pack so you can easily download free photo packs with a particular topic. This can be used especially if you are looking for textures or backgrounds for a particular item. Most are abstract pictures that are perfect as textures on which we can pixel and touch up the colours.
Barn Images
In this stock image you can find a selection of free photos but also some premium for those who seek more exclusive and do not mind paying for it. Payment images come by packs, so if you are looking for something specific and you like to have several pictures of it, it can be helpful.
Moreover, free pictures have a good search engine to filter by categories and labels and find the images more specifically. There are many to choose from, so you are sure to find the one that best fits your project.
This large stock image takes pictures from flickr and distributes them into categories, so if you like having many to choose from … This is your stock image! In addition you can filter images by business license, which is very useful depending on what you’re looking the images for, and colours, perfect for playing with the ranges.
As in flickr you can download them in different sizes, because remember it is interesting that the dimensions of the image correspond, as it could lose the quality we are looking for.
If you are thinking of creating a travel blog, but want to see how it would be with photos … This is your blog! Specializing in travel photos, but as you can see used for any purpose!
You can filter images by country, so if you need images of a specific place you do not need to keep looking, here you have over 2800 images to choose from. The photos are so beautiful and with such high resolution that they are going to push you to get some airline tickets that will take you to those places! 😉
i like your article and there is a website that has free Graphic Designers Freebies ( psd – images – fonts and more ) all is free you can check it origastock.com enjoy 🙂